Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dengan Perilaku SADARI Pada Ibu di Dusun Katik RT 11 RW 05, Sapen, Manisrenggo, Klaten

  • Cindy Nonia Widjiyono STIKes Panti Rapih Yogyakarta
  • Fransisca Anjar Rina STIKes Panti Rapih Yogyakarta
  • Avin Maria STIKes Panti Rapih Yogyakarta
Keywords: Keywords: breast cancer, knowledge, behavior, inspection


Background: Breast cancer is cells lose normal and uncontrolled and mechanismms that occur in breast tissue. Detecting breast cancer possible can reduce mortality rate by 25–30%. detect it is by doing a breast self-examination. A person's behavior in doing inspection things influenced by knowledge factor.

Objective: The purpose is determine the relationship between level of knowledge and behavior of inspection in mothers of the sunday pahing association in Dusun Katik RT 11 RW 05, Sapen, Manisrenggo, Klaten.

Methods: The method is correlation with cross-sectional. Respondents used in this study was 89 people, with a total sampling technique. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The data collection technique is a survey technique.

Results: The results showed more than half of the, namely 51 people (57.3%) had a sufficient level of knowledge about inspection and more than half, namely 55 people (61.8%) did not comply with inspection. Pearson chi-square analysis test results show a p value of 0.124 (p > 0.05) or = 0.508.
Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between knowledge level and breast self-examination behavior. Suggestions for future researchers, namely the need to conduct further research related to the level of motivation with behavior.
