Hubungan Toxic Parents Dengan Perilaku Seks Pra Nikah

  • Elisabeth Isti Daryati STIK Sint Carolus Jakarta
  • Calvina Natania Komala STIK Sint Carolus Jakarta
  • Paramitha Wirdani Ningsih Marlina STIK Sint Carolus Jakarta


Toxic parents are behavior of parents who treat children poorly and disrespectfully and cause feelings of guilt, fear and feelings of over obedience to children. Prolonged toxic attitudes will form a pattern that has a negative impact such as premarital sex behavior. Lack of parental attention and lots of rules and orders towards children increase the chances of sexual behavior. This study aims to determine the relationship of toxic parents with premarital sex behavior in adolescents. This research uses quantitative research with a correlative descriptive design through a cross-sectional approach. The survey was conducted in 71 respondents. The questionnaire research instrument was used. 70,4% teens ever dated, 66,2% engaging in sexting and sexual fantasies, 47,7% toxic parents dominant. Data analysis used the Kendall’s Tau-C test. The results showed that there was no toxic parent relationship to premarital sex behavior in adolescents (p value of 0.213). The conclusion is that premarital sexual behavior in teenagers can occur due to other factors besides parenting patterns, such as the role of peers, exposure to pornographic media, and teenagers' knowledge.
