Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Antenatal Care Dengan Kepatuhan Kunjungan Antenatal Care

  • Nur Zahra Ikaputri Ardianto STIKes Panti Rapih Yogyakarta
  • Agnes Mahayanti STIKes Panti Rapih Yogyakarta
  • Riski Wulandari STIKes Panti Rapih Yogyakarta
Keywords: Antenatal Care, Knowledge, Visit Compliance


Background: Antenatal care services are programmed by the government to overcome the surge in maternal mortality, prepare the mother's physical and spiritual condition, prepare for the birthing period and the postpartum period. The service is carried out in 6 visits, where 2 visits will result in a direct meeting with the doctor.

Objective: This research is a quantitative research with a cross sectional approach. The population is all 668 pregnant women who underwent ANC examinations. This research was attended by 103 respondents taken using accidental sampling technique. The instrument uses an ANC knowledge questionnaire and the results of ANC examination visit records. Data analysis used univariate analysis and also bivariate analysis using the Spearman Rank statistical test..

Results: The research results showed that 63.1% of mothers had good knowledge and 36.9% had sufficient knowledge about ANC, 80.6% of mothers complied and 19.4% of mothers did not comply with ANC examinations. There is a relationship between pregnant women's knowledge regarding ANC and compliance with Antenatal Care visits with a significance value of p 0.000 (<0.05) with a correlation coefficient of r -0.375.

Conclusion: There is a relationship that shows a weak significant value and has a negative pattern between pregnant women's knowledge about ANC and compliance with ANC visits. Health workers are expected to be able to increase promotive activities by using interesting media choices and using language that is easy for mothers to understand with various characteristics.

Keywords: Antenatal Care, Knowledge, Visit Compliance


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